May 17 - 19, 2024 | 10 am - 6 pm
Sacramento Memorial Auditorium
Free Admission with Additional Ticketed Experiences
Visit Sacramento and Slow Food are joining forces to host Terra Madre Americas, the American version of the internationally acclaimed Terra Madre Salone del Gusto food conference. The Sacramento event will bring together food producers, scientists, cooks, and researchers to share ideas and learn more about slow wine, slow coffee and slow food.
Participants will be able to explore three key Slow Food themes and learn from renowned experts at Terra Madre Americas. The event is free to the public and will include educational and interactive experiences for all ages, with additional ticketed event opportunities for the chance to further expand the experience.
Listen to "Visit Sacramento Brings Terra Madre Americas to Memorial Auditorium in May" on Spreaker.
What is Slow Food? 
Slow Food Vision
We envision a world where everyone can eat food that is good for them, good for the people who grow it and good for the planet.
Slow Food Mission
We cultivate a worldwide network of local communities and activists who defend cultural and biological diversity, promote food education and influence policies in public and private sectors.
Memorial Auditorium will be transformed into Terra Madre Americas, where attendees can explore how food is interrelated with most aspects of our lives and environment, with specific focuses on the climate crisis, social justice and education in the food and beverage system through the lens of specific topics.
Each area will present the main issues in human and planetary health through a series of activities involving audiences of all ages, giving voice to the Slow Food network and food system actors in ways that engage and excite the local community.
While the event is free, to further your understanding and education, ticketed experiences including masterclasses and tastings are available for purchase here.

Take your slow food education to the next level with tastings and masterclasses available across the 3-day conference.
Learn MoreTicketed
Take your slow food education to the next level with tastings and masterclasses available across the 3-day conference.
Learn MoreSlow Food Coffee Coalition
Slow Food encourages a business model for coffee that respects biodiversity and nature in countering the climate crisis, and emphasizes the need to act quickly in producing more good, clean, fair coffee.
Walk around and learn what it takes to produce Slow Food Coffee and reserve the chance to sit in on various coffee-related workshops. Workshops are free to the public with limited seats available. Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Are you a coffee lover? Slow Food Coffee Coalition tastings and workshop registration available here.
Slow Wine Coalition
The Slow Wine Coalition brings together everyone involved in the international wine chain, from farmers and viticulturalists to distributors and sommeliers. It was established to transform the wine sector by adopting sustainable techniques, promoting inclusivity, and celebrating the diverse cultures that are inherent in wine and vine making. At Terra Madre Americas, the goal is to promote good, clean and fair wine, as well as create networking and exchange opportunities among producers, restaurateurs and enthusiasts regarding the main themes of the Slow Wine Coalition.
Interested to know what good, clean and fair wine tastes like? Now’s your chance. Slow Wine Coalition masterclass and wine tasting ticket information can be found here.
Biocultural Territories of Latin America and the Caribbean
Delegates from across America, spanning all parts of the food system, will explore biocultural territories through different crops – corn, sugar cane, açaí, cocoa, quinoa and – that are controversial in terms of good, clean and fair principles and will show good practices to safeguard and promote them.
This space will focus on the following territories:
• The Mesoamerica, with corn and milpa crop-growing system
• The Pacific and Caribbean, with ancestral viche production
• The Amazon Rainforest, with açaí agroforestry cultivation
• The Atlantic Rainforest, with agroecology and cocoa production system
• The Andes, with traditional grains terrace systems
Curious to learn from the farmers, artisans, chefs and Slow Food delegates from these territories? Biocultural Territories Tasting Tickets available for purchase here.
Food and Health Educational Area
This space aims to present the relationship between food and health according to Slow Food’s approach, which includes pleasure and sensory education, gives value to traditional gastronomic knowledge, and emphasizes food as an expression of different cultures. Through a series of activities involving audiences of all ages, it gives voice to Slow Food network and food system actors.
Inside the Food and Health space, you'll find the Play Slow corner. Here, children and families visiting the event can take part in fun, educational activities focused on food, senses, and even a little horticulture.
This dedicated space for young children allows them to explore food through their senses and ask questions about where it comes from, how it's produced, and who produces it. Participation in these activities is free, and no reservations are required.