Cultivating such a vibrant LGBTQ+ culture and community in Sacramento takes a village: and at the heart of that village is the Sacramento LGBT Community Center.

This isn't just a building: it's a sanctuary, a support system, and a catalyst for change. The Center maintains a robust offering of events, programs, and services that help LGBTQ+ people feel welcome and safe when visiting or living in Sacramento.

Keep reading to learn about some of their main programs and events—and the ways they impact and enrich Sacramento’s queer community.


Pride and Beyond

A guitarist performing onstage for a crowd of of cheering fans at a street festival

The Sacramento LGBT Community Center’s flagship event is the annual Sacramento Pride March & Festival. This collaborative effort brings together queer- and ally-led organizations in the city, dozens of businesses, local vendors, and international superstars to create a dazzling showcase of community spirit.

The two-day celebration is equal parts pride and progress, as the Festival culminates in a march to the Capitol that demonstrates the community’s commitment to equity and justice.

The Center works year-round to make each Pride March & Fest bigger and better than the last, so keep an eye out for tickets for June’s festivities.


Wellness and Support for All

The Center offers a comprehensive range of programs to support the LGBTQ+ community at every stage of life. Their holistic services help to promote everything from emotional wellbeing to physical health. Some of their programs are:

  • Q Spot Youth Programs: This Q-Spot is a resource haven where young people can explore identity, build friendships, have fun with peers, and access essential services. Youth can receive peer mentorship and get help navigating social, emotional, and mental challenges that LGBTQ+ youth may encounter, as well as specialized case management services for unhoused youth.
  • Transgender Services: Transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) people can visit The Center for services that address the unique barriers experienced by TGNC people. They offer free legal assistance for affirming care like name changes and health advocacy, in addition to emergency housing and free counseling for those who have experienced crimes. The Center’s drop-in respite provides a break from stressors and assistance with de-escalating urgent mental health conditions that could lead to suicide, hospitalization, or incarceration.
  •  Mental Health: The Center recognizes that helping LGBTQ+ to thrive means helping them cope with and overcome issues related to depression, anxiety, victimization, relationships, and much more. That’s why their mental health services span across the needs of different situations and identities. In addition to community resource navigation and a drop-in respite, the Center offers support groups for coming out, aging as a queer person, being a queer person of color, and more. There is also a 12-step recovery group for those living with addiction.


Advocacy and Change

2013 LGBTQ Pride March

The Center doesn’t stop at services tailored to individuals. They’re also a powerful force for advancing social equity and justice through legislature and policy. Their advocacy-focused programs include:

  • Outreach & Training Institute: The Center equips organizations and individuals with the knowledge and tools to create LGBTQ-inclusive environments at work, school, health facilities, and social services offices. Trainings include common definition and language to understand, existing legal challenges for queer people in California, pronouns and language, and more.
  • Economic Justice Program: The intersection of homophobia, transphobia, and racism creates economic and social disadvantages for Black, Indigenous, Queer, Transgender, People of Color (BIQTPOC). The Center’s Economic Justice Program works to address such economic disparities by offering legal services, job search support, career coaching, networking, and workshops.
  • Public Policy & Community Organizing: The Center actively engages in policy-making processes to ensure LGBTQ+ rights are protected and advanced. Their public policy and community organizing team advocates for change on both local and national levels through community education and outreach to decision makers.


Building Community Together

The Center is more than just a service provider; it's a place to connect and celebrate. Look out for exciting events throughout the year like:

  • Q Prom: Not every queer person has the chance to attend a high school prom where their identities and expressions are welcomed, which is why the Center hosts an unforgettable night of dancing, fun, and acceptance for LGBTQ+ youth. Every year, this themed party offers a safe and sober space for queer people ages 13-20 to party, make friends, and show up authentically.
  • Mama's Makin' Bacon: This annual brunch gathering serves up delicious food, jaw dropping performances, live auctions, games, and so much more. All proceeds from the event support The Center’s year-round efforts to support, uplift, and advance queer causes.


How You Can Get Involved

Want to support the work of the Sacramento LGBT Community Center?

The Center welcomes volunteers, donors, and allies. By volunteering your time, donating to support vital programs, or simply spreading the word, you can help create a more inclusive and equitable world.

Visit the Center’s website at to learn more and get involved.