When you bring your meeting and convention groups to Downtown Sacramento, you're bringing them to a place with fantastic weather that can be taken advantage of in unique ways.

Maintaining an exercise regimen can be difficult when you're a frequent traveler or attending a long conference, but a jog, run or walk can be just what you and your delegates need to keep the juices flowing.  Luckily for you, Runner's World ranked Sacramento the number four top running city in the United States, and it was named "25 Best Walking Cities" by Prevention Healthy Living Group.

Encourage your delegates to break out and walk by extending a break time in between an afternoon session for 30 minutes. Studies show that walking not only can help attendees stay attentive and involved, but it can also demonstrate how easy it is to be more active on a regular basis. MORE

If you’re meeting at our convention center or staying at a downtown hotel, here are a few routes of varying distances that allow you to see some Sacramento attractions. MORE

If you're considering Sacramento as a location to host your meeting or convention, you can find more information on our website, www.visitsacramento.com.