
St. Patrick's Day Block Party feat. Chromeo and Amtrac

7th St and K St, Sacramento, CA 95814
earth1 x All Day All Night x Malt & Mash present a St. Patrick's Day block party at Ali Youssefi Square in the heart of Sacramento's DOCO district featuring dj sets by CHROMEO and AMTRAC on Saturday, March 15th! For years, one of Sacramento's signature events has been the block party at Youssefi Square on St. Patty's day weekend - BUT this year we're partnering with the team at Malt & Mash to make the experience even better. Bigger stage, bigger production and legendary acts to take this staple Sacramento party to the next level. We're excited to bring this showcase to the community that has shown us so much love, so get ready to boogie at this spacious outdoor venue and celebrate the St. Patrick’s Day holiday!

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