
Mark Thomas and John Romie: The Road

2015 J Street, Suite 101, Sacramento, CA 95811
The Road.  A feature, an artery, a liberation, and a nemesis. Its surface is bare rock to dirt, cobblestones to tiles, and asphalt to concrete. Traveling on foot, hoof, carriage, cycle, and automobile lives for us. The Road is omnipresent in commerce and defense and connects living communities. Many have made great riches on, alongside, and even beneath it. It is often the subject of literature, prose, and music. Through our many miles of travel, the road has been a source of experience and inspiration. It gives us not only a means to an end but, at every turn, an adventure, a new perspective, and a memory to look back on. We celebrate these rewards through this exhibit. Given the road has prominence in literature and song, each image has the title of a book, a song, or a passage.

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