Photo courtesy of Environmental Council of Sacramento.
Spring has sprung! With a change in weather comes many opportunities to revel in Sacramento's natural beauty. Find ways to celebrate our local arts, culture and food scene at these Sacramento365 Top 6 Events.
Third Thursday at 24th & K
Midtown Sacramento
Thurs 4/19
Sacramento Jewish Film Festival
Crest Theatre
Thurs 4/19 - Sun 4/22
Sacramento Giant Race
Raley Field
Sat 4/21
UC Davis Picnic Day
UC Davis
Sat 4/21
Sacramento Beer & Chili Festival
Roosevelt Park
Sat 4/21
Sacramento Earth Day
Southside Park
Sun 4/22
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what kinds and how many stories can be shared during a month-long, multi-county wide photography celebration? The first annual Photography Month Sacramento has officially kicked off and Sacramento365 is proud to be the calendar partner for this regional event! Museums, galleries, and educational institutions across Sacramento, Placer, and Yolo counties are participating in the month-long celebration creating opportunities for venues, photographers and patrons to share a collective experience in the visual arts.